Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bush Vetoes Child Health Bill Privately

Reading this story just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. First off, to see two political parties having no real interest in passing a bill, and being over concerned with being re-elected is quite sickening. I haven’t read enough about the bill to really know what the proposed 35 Billion dollars would be used for but the topic of this article really had nothing to do with that anyway. This article wanted to talk about how bad a political move it

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Interesting Article for the Week

Behind an Antiwar Ad, a Powerful Liberal Group

This article was a very interesting read. Its primary purpose is to point out the ties between the Democratic Party and a special interest group known as It points out the way in which the Democratic party uses the money and influence of’s 3.2 million members. It also goes on to talk about the lack of control they have over Moveon’s tactics, citing the recent add that was taken out criticizing the lead General in Iraq. It is believed by most Democratic Party leaders to have been a step back in their bid for a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq. This is because it has allowed the Republican Party to shift focus from the war to the negativity created by the add. All in all I believe this is an article worth reading. It shows a lot about the inner workings of modern day politics.